The Board meets on a pre-scheduled basis at least six times each year and more frequently when required. The Board has a schedule of matters reserved to it for decision and the requirement for Board approval on these matters is communicated widely throughout the senior management of the Group. The schedule includes matters such as: approval of the Group’s strategic plan; extension of the Group’s activities into new business or geographic areas; any decision to cease to operate all or any material part of the Group’s business; changes relating to the Group’s capital structure; contracts that are material strategically or by reason of size; investments, including the acquisition or disposal of interests in the voting shares of any company or the making of any takeover offer; and the prosecution, defence or settlement of litigation material to the Group.
There is an agreed procedure for directors to take independent professional advice, if necessary, at the Company’s expense. This is in addition to the access which every director has to the Company Secretary, who is charged by the Board with ensuring that Board procedures are followed.
The differing roles of Chairman and Chief Executive are acknowledged. The key functions of the Chairman are to conduct Board meetings and meetings of shareholders and to ensure that all directors are properly briefed in order to take a full and constructive part in Board discussions. The Chief Executive is required to develop and execute business strategies and processes to enable the Group’s business to meet the requirements of its shareholders.
The Senior Independent Director acts as a point of contact for shareholders and other stakeholders with concerns which have failed to be resolved, or would not be appropriate to be addressed, through the normal channels of the Chairman or Chief Executive. The Senior Independent Director also meets with the other members of the Board without the Chairman present on at least an annual basis in order to evaluate and appraise the performance of the Chairman.
To enable the Board to function effectively and allow directors to discharge their responsibilities, full and timely access is given to all relevant information. In the case of Board meetings, this consists of a comprehensive set of papers, including regular business progress reports and discussion documents regarding specific matters. All Board members engage actively with management to provide support in their areas of specific competence; this provides ample opportunity for non-executive directors to understand the business in depth.
In line with the requirements of the UK Code, the Board conducts an internal Board performance evaluation on an annual basis.
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