Board Composition.

at Plant Health Care

Plant Health Care plc has taken note of the UK Corporate Governance Code (“the UK Code”) published in September 2014. The UK Code and associated guidance can be found on the Financial Reporting Council website. The rules of the London Stock Exchange do not require companies that have securities traded on AIM to formally comply with the UK Code and the Company does not seek to formally comply nor give a statement of compliance. However, the Board is accountable to the Company’s shareholders for good governance and has sought to apply those principles of corporate governance commensurate with the Company’s size.

The Company’s approach is set out below:


The Board currently comprises an executive Chairman, two executive directors and three non executive directors. The Board considers all of the non-executives to be independent in judgment and character.

Biographies of the Board members appear here. These indicate the high levels and range of business experience which is essential to oversee effectively a business of the size, complexity and geographical spread of the Group. Concerns relating to the executive management of the Group or the performance of the directors can be raised in confidence by contacting the Senior Independent Director, Michael Higgins, through the Company Secretary.

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